The Worcester Family Miscellany
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The Family Tree for Rev. William's Family in England

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Will of Petyr Wysseter of West Haddon – 1523

In die nae(?) Amen the xviijth daye off marche In the yere off oure lorde god m ccccc xxiijth I petyr Wysseter of Westhaddon husbandman hole off mynde & sycke make this my testament & laste wyll ffyrst I bequeth my sowell to Allmyghte god owre lady saynt mare & All the holly copany off hevyn my body to be bured in the churchyard off haddon afforesayd It. I bequeth to be(?) my mo..? that thyrby & (?) yo(?) It. to the modyr church off lyncoln = iiij d It. to the church off haddon = xx d It. I bequeth to henry my sone x shepe one cow & a bullock It. to Angnes  my daughter vj shepe one cowe & A calffe It to Clemense my daughter vi shepe one cowe & a calffe & iff god do hys wyll off any off theye my chyldr or all I wyll ther part thatt remayne unto emmet my wyffe & wyllm my sonne jonytly together the ressedew off my goods not bequeth I gyffe & be queth to emet my wyffe & wyllam my sonne them(?) thewythe I order & (?) to be by full exsecutyrs yontly together that they may dysposse my goods ffor the helth off my soulle as they thatt thynk moste best or expedient __ also I will that Henry Wossetr my brother & John Goodman be my supervisors off my last wyll & god bering witness bye Thomas Webster (my?) ___? ___/ & gregory golen & wyllm gollen with other men....

(no probate added)
note: Sir Thomas Webster was curate according to Northamptonshire and Rutland Clergy).
Also: the diocese was Lincoln until 1543 when Henry VIII formed the diocese of Peterborough.
So the "mother church" was Lincoln until 1543 and Peterborough thereafter.

Northamptonshire Records Office - Wooten Park, Northampton NN4 8BQ - 1st Series Book B 168.

Will of William Wysseter of West Haddon – 1551

The Wyll of William Wysseter of Westhaddon In the Name of God Amen the xxviijth day of November In the Vth yere of  our Soverant Lorde Kynge Edwarde the sext by the grace of god Kynge of england france & ireland defender of the fayth & in yerth suprime heade of the churche of England and Irelande and that I Willm Wysseter of Westhaddon seake in body hole in mynde and in good memori dothe make thys my testament and last will in Maner and forme as here after dothe folow fyrst I bequeth my soule to god almighty & our saint Mary with all the saynts with hym in heaven my body to be buried in the church yarde of Westhaddon of all sayntes   Item ytt ys my will and my mynde that my promisse wyche I did geave to Rychard Wysseter my sonne at the daye of marage When he did mary Issabell Mutton hys wyffe was to have halffe of my goodes throught oute my goodes throught oute all movable and unmovable both within the howse and without   Item I geave and bequethe to the foresaid Ryd Wysseter my son to have all my landes to hym and to his heres for ever xviijs  iiijd except to Elsabeth Wysseter my wyffe and she to have it hir lyffe and at the deceassece of my wyffe it to remayne to the foresaid heres for ever   Item I geave and bequethe to William Wyseeter my godson V shepe one cowe    Item I geave & bequeth to Peter Wysseter V shepe one cowe    Item I geave & bequeth ursuley Wysseter my daughter xxx and yff yt please god to take hir ..... his marci the goods shall remayne to Rychard my sonne and he to be hir full executor   Item these my    .........    fulfyllid  The resedew of my goodes on bequeste   .........    bequethe to Elsabeth my wyffe and she to have h......  and iiij trees and she to be halfe with Rychard Wysseter wife....... as longe as they too can agre and yff Elsabeth my w.... do mari or goo to the other house then she shall ........ the thyrde parte of my goodes and Rychard Wysseter ........     & Elsabeth my wyffe to be my full executors of this  .......  and present testament & wyll    Item I do make my brother John Mutton of Esthaddon and Henry Wysseter my brother of Weste haddon the supervisours of thys my last wyll and to se that yt be fulfyllid in all causas The recorders hereof Sir Robert Kechyn curate Ryd dassren Willm markett Thomas Gollen(er) edwarde morkett with other men.

Edwardus sextus dei gra’ anglie francie et hibernie rex fidei defensor ac in terra ecc’lie anglicane et hibernice sub xo caput supremum omnibus ad quos hoc p'ns scriptu’ per venerit salute sciates quod testamentu’ infra scriptu’ probatu’ approbatu’ infirmatu’ et pro vero valore emsde ultimo promitiatu’ fuit et est coram dilecto sub dito nostro Gulielmo Bynsley in legibus bach’ domini arch’ini North' Officiali visecimo sexto die mensis februarij Anno Domini 1551 Et regni nostri anno quinto Com-missaque fuit ad ministratio omniu singuloru bonoruy dicti de functi executoribus in eode’ nominates et in debito. Juris forma Jurato salva lure cuisscumque Teste prefato archino suc sigillo nostro ad causas eccliasticas arch’inatus North' die et annis predictes.

Northamptonshire Records Office - Wooten Park, Northampton NN4 8BQ - 1st Series Book L 17

Will of Elizabeth Wussotter of West Haddon – 1567

Elizabeth Wusceter de westhaddon del(?) Anno 1567

In the name of God Amen the fyfte daie of the monethe of Decembre Anno dm 1567. I Elizabeth wussotter of westhaddon wyddowe being of hoole mynd and in good and pfect remembrannce Laude and prayse be unto almightie god doe make and ordain this my psent testament concernynge herein my last will in mannr and forme followynge It. first I comend my soule unto almightie god my maker and reddemer and my body to be buried in the churchyard of allhallowes in westhaddon aforesaid I gyve and bequethe to evrye one of my godchildren iid I gyve and bequethe unto ursula my daughter a coffer(?) and xl s(shillings) off money and to evrye one of her children a shepe and I gyve also to the foresaid ursula a kyrtle (probably girdle) iiij petty cootes and a frocke Itm I gyve and bequethe unto peter worcetter a cowe xl s in money and xx shepe his father to take the best score fyrst and he to have the best score next Item I bequeth to Richard my sonns iii youngest children evry one of them two shepe Item I gyve and bequethe to Dorethie Smarte an olde coate and to henrie applebee's wyfe vii d The residewe of all my goods unbequethed I gyve unto Richard my sonne and he to be my full executor and these to be my supvisors Willm warren John Sunell (?) and Richard  Phillipe

Probate: xiij die mensis Januarie Anno dm 1568 (i.e 1568/69)

Northamptonshire Records Office - Wooten Park, Northampton NN4 8BQ - 1st Series Book S 55

Will of Tymothye Worceter of West Haddon – 1613

In the name of God Amen the sixteenthe day of Auguste Anno Domini 1613 Annoque regni regis Jacobi nunc undecimo    I Tymothye Worceter of Westhaddon in the County of Northton yeoman being sicke in body but wholl in mynde and of perfect remembrance thanks be to God therefore revokinge and makinge voyd all other wylles by me made heretofore doe ordeyne and make this my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge  ffirst I bequeth my soule and body unto God my heavenly father and maker and to God the sonne my only redemer and Savyour and to God the holy ghost my sanctyfier thre persones distinct and one trewe & everlyvinge God trustinge to be saved only by the merritts of Jhesus Christe  And I do appoint my body to be buryed where my executor shall think fitt   Item I do geve and bequeath unto Elizabeth Bride my dearly beloved ffrend (whom I purpose to make my wif if God shall prolonge my dayes and make me fitt thereunto) the full some of twentie poundes to be payd unto her or her assignes at the feast of Saint Michaell th arch angell which shalbe in the yeare of our Lord God one thousande sixe hundred & sixteene  Also I doe geve and bequeathe unto Peter Worceter and unto William Worceter my brethren the full some of  [five – crossed out] sixe poundes a peece to be payd unto them at the feast of th annunciation of the blessed virgin Mary which shalbe in the yeare of our Lord God one thousande sixe hundred and seventeene or within one monethe then next followinge   Item I doe also geve and bequeathe unto Katheryne Watson and unto Alyce Worceter and to Mary Worceter my three sisters [five – crossed out] sixe poundes a peece to be payd unto them at or upon the sayd feast day of th annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary or within one month the next ensuinge   And my will is that if any of my said bretheren or sisters shall happen to depart this present lief  before the sayd feast of th annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary then the portion of him or her soe dyinge shall be equally devyded amongst the sayd bretheren or sisters then lyvinge soe that the brother or sister soe dyinge be then unmaryed but if the party soe dyinge hath eyther wief or children then shall the wief or husband or children have an equall parte of the portion of the party soe dyinge Item I doe geve and bequeath the full somme of tenn shillings unto my Sister Elizabeth Worceter to be payd unto her when the portions of my other sisters and bretheren are to be paid unto them   Also I do geve unto Alyce Rose my aunt twentie shillinges and to Mr ffoster, Mr Ruchbrook and to Mr fflud ten shillinges a peece  And to John Ball, Rychard Coles, William Weston and John Wright six shillinges and eight pence a peece to be payd unto them at such tyme as is herein last mentioned  All which mony and severall somes aforesayd I will have to be payd unto them by Stephen Henchman and Thomas Storer whoe doe stand bounden unto me for the payment of a certen somme of mony at a day to come for a certen messuage & landes with thappertenances which I have heretofore solde unto them  And I doe hereby confyrme the same sale unto them & to their heires and assignes for ever and to their only use and behoof accordinge to certen deeds heretofore made unto …. And furthermore my will is that if they shall pay the same legacyes that then they shall be acquit …. for soe much mony as they shall pay in legacyes for to that end dyd I make sale of the said messuage & landes with thappurtenances    Item I doe hereby geve unto the sayd Stephen Henchman & Thomas Storer twenty shillings a peece  Also I do hereby geve & bequeth the somme of twentie shillinges unto Alyce Marshall for her paynes taken with me Also I doe geve unto Elizabeth Gibbes five shillinges and I doe geve unto the twwo children of Thomas Storer sixe shillings and viijd  a peece    I …. My goodes and chattells whatsoer unto the sayd Elizabeth Bride who I doe …. make executrix of this my laste will and testament  And I will that she shall ….. are dewe to me save only my cloak which I doe hereby geve unto ….. hereby mak and constytut Mr William Sharpe and Mr Lewes Thoms th testament and for their paynes herein doe geve unto them vs …… Tymothe Worceter have hereunto putt my hand and seale the …….

Northamptonshire Records Office - Wooten Park, Northampton NN4 8BQ - 2nd Series Book V 130

Will of Joseph Worcester of Rugby – 1644/5

In the name of God Amen.
The tenth daie of Februarie Anno Dom 1644 And in the twentieth yeare of the reigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles by the grace of God of England, Scotland France and Ireland King defender of the faith be. I Joseph Worcester the elder of Rugbie in the Countie of Warw yeoman being in good health and perfect memory (I praise God therefore) doe make constitute and... ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following that is to say First I comend my soule into the hands of Allmightie God my Creator and his sonne Jesus Christ my onlie Saviour and Redeemer hopeing assuredlie to obtaine pardon and remission of all my sins and transgressions and finallie eternall life and Salvacon of my soule by faith in him And my bodie I remitt to the earth whereof it was formed. And I dispose of my worldly goods as followeth. And first I give and bequeth unto my eldest sonne William Worcester twelve pence of lawfull English money. And likewise to my sonne Joseph Worcester twelve pence of like lawfull money. Item I give unto my daughter Anne French twelve pence Item I give unto my daughter Alice Cave twelve pence. Item I give to my daughter Susanna Mason twelve pence. Item I give unto evrie one of my grandchildren six pence Item I give unto the poor of Rugbie aforesaid five shillings to be distributed in white bread by penny dose at my buriall by my executrix hereafter named. All the rest and residue of my goods shepe money Cattle and Shattells whatsoever I give and bequeth unto my loving wife Alice my debts and funerall expenses being discharged. And I doe make the said Alice my wife full and sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament. Sealed with my seale and Dated the daie and yeare first above written. Joseph Worcester. Sealed read published and declared in the presence of John Hiccock of Bilton his marke Fawkes(?) Newbolde

Public Record Office, London - PROB 11/196

Will of Peter Worcester, Merchant Taylor of London – 1656

>In the name of God Amen
I Peter Worcester citizen and Merchantaylor of London being sick in body but of good and perfect memorie thanks be therefore given to Almighty God and Considering with my selfe the frailtie of this mortall Life And that it is appoynted me for all men to die doe therefore make this my last Will and Testament In manner and forme following In primis my Soule I recommend into the hands of Almighty God most assuredlie trusting and verelie beleeveing to be saved through the merritts of my Saviour Jesus Christ My Body I Committ to the Earth to be decently and Christianly buried And as for my Worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to blesse me I give and dispose the same In manner and forme following.
Item I give and bequeth unto my loving Sonne John Worcester the summe of one hundred pounds Sterling to be paid unto him by tenn pounds a Quarter. The first payment to be made a yeare after my decease provided he be diligent dutifull and helping to his Mother in her Trade And I make Executrix of this my last Will and Testament my Loving Wife Dorothy who I desire to performe this my Will well Well and truly in all things and pay the Legacies hereby given. Item I give and bequeath to my Grandchildren Rebecca and Sarah Cobbett twentie shillings a peece to be paid them att the age of one and twentie in yeares or day of marriage which first shall happen. Item I give and be queath to my Loveing Wife Dorothie all my goods Chattells Leases monie plate and household stuffe during her life and after her decease I give the same to my Sonn John And I further give unto her twentie pounds as(?) I will she dispose of att her descease Item I make Tho Mannering and Richard Kemble overseers of this my Will and give unto them twentie shillings a peece And also I will that my said Wife shall first pay and discharge my debts out of my Estate immediately upon receiving(?) the Administration thereof or within one yeare following. In Witnese whereof to this my last Will and Testament Concerning ____ these and the _____ peece I have he....._____ Body and Soule the twelveth(?) day of August in this year of our Lord One thousand six hundred fiftie six
Peter Worcester ... (manuscript is very darkened here, almost illegible)
named.......... presence of ................................... R Shelbery S ............
This will ............................................... London ye Twenty Eight day of August in this yeare of our Lord God One thousand six hundred fiftie and six __ the Judge of the probate of Wills and granting Administrations ______ authorized by the oath of Dorothy Worcester the Relict and sole and only executrix named in the above written Will to whome Administration of all and singular the goods Chattells and debts of the said deceased ___ Co ____ she being first Loyallie sworne truly and faythfullie to administer the same..

Public Record Office, London. Reference PROB 11/257

Will of Dorothy Worcester of London – 1660

Will of Dorothy Worcester of London
>dated 26 Sept. 1659, probated 20 April 1660.
>Prerogative Court of Canterbury
>PRO ref. PROB 11/298

In the name of God Amen:
I Dorathy Worcester of Hackney in the County of Middlesex widow being sick in bodie but of sound and perfect mind and memorie praised bee God whereforeDoe make and declare this my last will and testament in manner and forme following That is to say First I commend my soule into the hands of Almighty God my Creator hopeing and believing by and through the __?__ of my Lord and only saviour Jesus Christ to have full and fair remission of all my sinns and to inherit Eternall life with the rest of God's Host who are willed(?) and sanctified by the spiritt of Grace and my body I committ to the Earth from whence it came And my goods and Estate I Give and dispose of as followeth, that is to say whereas my late Husband Peter Worcester late citizen and Merchantaylor of London deceased did make me Executrix of his last will and Testament and by ___?___ did (amongst other things) give and bequeath unto my sonn John Worcester the sume of One hundred pounds sterling to be paid unto him by Tenn pounds a quarter, the first payment to be made a year after the decease of my said husband provided he should bee dilligent dutifull and helping to me in my Trade, after the decease of his said father as he ought to have been W____? __? personal estate of his said father after his debts and funerall charges paid of such a Considerable as to afford unto my said sonn John the said sume of One hundred pounds over and above the Remainder of his estate(?) which he gave to my said sonne after my decease Specially Considering that one third part of the personall Estate of my said late husband was due unto me by the Custome of the Citty of London I doe   therefore __? myself not obliged in law or iguity to make payment of the said some of One hundred pounds or any part thereof to my said sonn John. But I do leave unto him the said leases which were my husbands from and after my decease for __? during the residue of the several times of years which herein shall be to __? and unexpired according to the true meaning of the last will and testament of my said husband. Item I give and bequeth to my Maid Dorothy _____? __? pounds To Sibill Worcester widow late wife of my late husbands brother sume of forty shillings To my loving freind Mr Thomas Manwarring Twenty shillings To my verie loving freind Mr Daniell Bridge forty shillings To Mrs Ellen Bridge his wife my silver Tankard and to his six Children my six Guilt spoones of them one to be delivered to their father for their use; The Rest & Residue of all and ___? my Goods Chattells Household stuffe money debts and personall Estate whatsoever (after my debts paid and funerall charges discharged) I give and bequeth unto my Daughter Elizabeth Cobbetts wife of Serieant Maior Robert Cobbets And I make and ordaine the said Elizabeth Cobbets full and sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament not doubting of her faithfull performance of the same according to my true meanning hereni declared; In witnes whereof I the said Dorothie Worcester to this my last will and Testament ____? in one sheete of paper ??_____? peece ____? to have sett my seale and to ech sheete thereof subscribed my name the six and Twentieth day of September in the year of our lord God One Thousand six hundred fifty and Nine The marke of the said Dorothy Worcester, Signed sealed published and delivered by the said Dorathie Worcester for and as her last Will and Testament in the presence of Danielle Bridge Elline Bridge Mary Wilsone Edmond Rolfe.

This Will was proved att London The Twentieth day of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord God One Thousand Six Hundred and Sixty, Before the Judges for the probate of Wills and granting Administratione lawfully Authorized By the Oath of Elizabeth Cobbetts the daughter of the said deceased and sole Executrix named in the said Will to whom was granted Administration of all and ____ the Goods Chattells and Debts of the said deceased She being first sworne truly to Administer the same

Will of Henry Wossiter of West Haddon – 1559

Testa't henrici Wossiter de west haddon In the name of god amen the xxth daie of Februarie: 1559, I henri wossiter of the p'ishe of all saincts of West haddon my bodie to be buried in the churchyard of West haddon aforesaid Item I bequethe to the mother churche of peter borowe ijd Itm I gyve to my p'ishe churche ijs iiijd Itm I gyve unto Thos my sone viij li(pounds) to be paid unto him iiij li the yere next after my decease and the other iiij li to be paied unto him the next yere after that besids his stocke if he will cotynow (continue) ij yeres wth his mother aftr my decease and to do his laboures as he hath at the discrecon of the supvisors. Itm gyve unto Willm my sone vij li (pounds) to be paid unto him at the feaste of Sainct John baptiste wth his owne stocke. Itm gyve and bequeth to John and Robt Elizabeth and Isabell xx nobles a pece when thei come to xvi yeres of age besides their owne stockes I gyve and bequethe to Agnes my wiffe the best bed and all things thereto belonging wth a coffer and all thinges that is in it Itm gyve and bequethe to henry my sone a folden table After the decease of his mother the great brasse pott and the thirde pte of the pewter vessill provided yt my iij children yt be wt in age one shalbe anothers heire if thei die before thei come to the age of xvi yeres as is a foresaid Itm gyve and bequethe to Agnes my wiffe a new pa (?). The residew of my goodes I gyve and bequethe to Agnes my wiffe and henry my sone whom I make my executors and these to be my ovrsears Ric Wossiter Willm Warren Robert Lucas and Thomas Palmer hyc testibus cn muts alijs

Probatu fuit xxij die Junij A dm 1559 & administrato comissge fuit exectevibus &  Salvo Iure crans?.

NRO 1st Series, Book R 13.

Will of William Worster of West Haddon – 1669

December 7th 1669
In the name of God Amen, I William Worster the elder of Westhaddon in the County of Northton yeoman being weake of body but I prayse God of a pfect rembrance doe make my last will & testmt as followeth; First I bequeth my soule into the hands of Almighty God trusting to bee saved by the all=sufficient merits of my redeemer Ct Jesus; and my body to bee buried in the Church or Churchyard of Westhaddon and for ye worldly goods yt God has given mee I dispose of them as followeth; It pr. I give unto my severall children sons and daughters six pence apeice, namely to my sons Henry William & Richard sex pence a peice & to my daughters Mary Lettice Alice and Emme six pence apeice Ite I give unto my second son William Worster three lands with their hades (probably for hides) belonging to them belonging(crossed out) namely I give to him his heyres & assignes for ever, one ha?dland lying in the southfeild of West Haddon shooteing upon the West end of the Holme of John Lucas and I give him the hade thereof goeing along the end of the sd Holme and shooting into Buckby brooke, and I give the two lands & hades that ly upon the North side of the Holme of the sd John Lucas and Bartin Gutteridge his land by North, wch lands & hades I purchased of one Roger Botterill; and give them unto my son William his heires & assignes for ever pvided that my wife Mary Worster shall use and enioy them during her naturall life. Ite I give unto the sons of my daughter Lettice now the wife of George Fesher of Bringhton, namely to their two sons William & Richard each of them a sheepe to be pformed to the as according to the discretion of my Executrix. lastly All my goods cattell & chattells whsoever that I have not disposed of, I give & bequeth unto my beloved wife Mary Worster whom I make the sole Executrix of this my last will & testamt revoking all former wills made by mee wtsoever,  In witnesse hereof I have hereunto put my hand & seale the day & yeare above written in the psense (presence) of. Greg Palmer
Mary Worster her marke
Joyce Waren her marke
the marke of William Worster

Northamptonshire Record Office - 4th series, MW68, vi 33.

Will of William Worcester of Salisbury - 1662

I willi: Worcester being || Sick & || weake of body but of sound & pfct memorie doe make & ordeine this my laft wil & Testamt as followeth: Imp my will is that my beloued wyfe: shall haue that bonde of fiftie pound wch is due vnto me from Thomas clarke of Boston Iron munger: she securing my daughter in Law Rebecka bilie of wt remaynes due to hir out of yt bonde Also my will is that my myfe shall haue the vFe & benefit of my dwelling house oarchyard & house lott duering the time of hir widohood; & three cowes comonage: duering ye sd term Also that my wyfe shall haue wt moneys soever as due in England : for rent : for wt lands & houseing belongs vnto her, or anyother wayes due Itt: I doe giue & bequeath avnto my sonn Samuell worcester my last higledee pigledee lott of Salt marsh lying towards Merimack Rivers mouth: & als a silver wine bole that hath ye letters of his name ingraven vppon it & a thousand of pine board towards the finishing of his house: as also all my wareing Apparrell; myminde is yt my grandchilde willia: worcester * * Samuels childle shall haue ye Sylver wine boule * * named Itt: I doe giue & bequeath to my daughter Susana s * * my pide mare Colt : It: I doe giu vnto my grand childe Rebecka stacy five pound in houshold stuff : such as her grandmother shal thinke meet It: I doe giue & bequeathe to my Sonne william worcester all my vpland wthin ye bounds of the new towne of Salisbury : wth all rights & privilidges thervnto belonging as also my first Higgle pigledee lott of Salt Marsh : & all my lott of Sweepage at the beache : by my land at ye newtown: my meaning is : my twenty acre lott abuttin vpon merimack River & the sevnty acres granted vnto mee by the towne of Salisbury lyng next : to the land of Capt Pike " n esterly: Itt: I doe give & bequeath vnto my sone Timothie worcester & to my Sonn Moses woster all the remaynder of my lands both vpland Marsh & meadow, lyng & being wthin the bounds of the old towne of Salisbury wth all rights, Comonages & privilidges thervnto belonging (Except before Exepted) to bee equally devided between them: prsently after my decease Also I doe giue vnto my said Sonns Timothe & Moses: my dwelling house, orchyard & house lott: after their mothers death or day of mariage wch first happens : to bee equally divided between them & to haue the barne prsently after my decease wth free egress & regress vnto ye sd barne : to cary hay or corne of ye like" Always pvided that the marsh Lott: wch was formerly my wyfes by hir former husband mr John Hall : remayne to the vse of my Said wyfe hir heirs & assignes for ever. It: I doe giue & bequeath vnto my Sonne william : my pride mare : & a cowe that is cald short & fiue povnd in houshold goods :: all other guifts by any to my said sonne Comprhended in ye abouesd estate giuen || by me || vnto him It: I doe giue & bequeath vnto my Sonne Timothy my old horse : & a cowe cald : Cherry & fiue pound in houshold goods It: I doe giue & bequeath vnto my Sonne Moses my young mare between two & three yeare old & also the young heifer & fiue pound in household goods: It: I doe giue vnto my grandchild willia worcester : my Cow cald the Barbar It: I do giue vnto my Daughter stacy : yt cowe which is cald the young cowe : & also my two yearling steers It: I do giue vnto my grand Childe Rebecka stacy : my two yeare old steeres It: my will is that all the Cattle : before named in this my will be wintered wth the hay pvide for them if ye owners please I doe giue vnto my Daughter Rebecka : Bylie : my brass Chafendish; & also I giue vnto her a booke of mr anthony Burgases concerning the tryall of grace, as a small tolen of my Specyall loue vnto hir It: I doe giue vnot my servant mayde Hannah Hendrick : tenn shillings It: I doe appoint my loueing freinds Capt Robert Pike my brother Edward ffrench : Richard wells & mr Tho : Bradbury to bee overseers of this my will & testamt & for the care & paynes theirin I doe bequeath vnto each of them twenty shillings to bee payd vnto them: out of my library in some good || English || authors, as they shall like off Lastly my will is that my dearly & welbeeloved wyfe : rebecka worcester to bee my sole Executrix vnto this my last will & testament It: my will is that after my wyfe hath taken hir owne books out of my library & wt others shal think meet for hir vse; and ye * * ond x ryd in books to my overseers as afore (remainder of page torn to bottom) books shalbe sold s willia: Timathie portion: It: my will is that all discharged & pay'd the remayne & bee to ye utrix afore named In wittness wherof hervnto sett my hand wittness
Tho: Bradbury
Robert Pyke
Edward ffrnch
Richard Wells
wheras it is be reaminder of giuen to my Sonns to each an equall p that my books shalbe yte : to disposof a
I haue gaiven to my wittness to this last addicon of the will this 18th day of Octobr
Tho: Bradbury
John Severance

Inventory of estate of Rev. Mr. William Worcester of Salisbury taken 6: 9: 1662 by Edward French, Richard Wells, Nicholas Noyes: money & plate, 20li.; wareing Apparrell, 25li.; the bedding & furniture in ye parlor, 15li. 7s.; the beding, table & Chayer in ye studdie, 3li.; the bedsted & bedding in ye parlor Chamber, 4li.; a small Chest wth household linnen, 4li.; a little box wth linnen, Ili. 11s.; a Trunke, 10s.; bedding, bedsted & furniture in ye kitching Chamber, 12li.; a trundle bed wth ye furniture, 5li.; a great Cheast wth pilloes, Rugg, blankets & Cushins, 7li.; a great trunk wth furniture in it, 15li.; a small trunke of linen, 91i. 10s.; a cheast of linen in ye passage, 9li.; goods in ye Clossett, 7li.; Yarn & other linen, 3li.; in peuter, 10li.; in Brass, 8li.; Iron & tinn, 7li. In ye Hall: Chayers, forme, table, Cubard, etc. 2li.; severall small things in ye lower Clossett, 10s.; Tubbs & milk vessell & other lumber in ye seller, 3li. 10s.; working tooles, 3li.; in ye garrett in Indian Corne & other lumber, 8li.; The dwelling house, barne & hen house, house Lott & planting Lott, 100li.; tenn acres of fresh meadows 40li.; ye comonage, 12li.; the last division of upland, 5li.; about 9 acres of upland att ye newtown, 45li.; the Sweepage at ye beach & the first Higledee pigledee lott of Salt marsh, 20li.; the last Higledee pigledee lott of Salt marsh, 3li.; the 6 acre lott of Salt marsh yt was Mr. Jno. Halls, 10li. In Cattle: the lame mare, 5li.; ye pide Mare Colt, 8li.; ye old pide mare, 14li.; the bald facet Horse, 10li.; the young Mare given to Moses, 9li.; two Oxen, 14li.; a Cow cald Cherrie, 5li.; Cow cald barbar, 4li. 5s.; Cow cald Golding, 4li. 10s.; cow cald short, 4li. 15s.; cow cald Madkitt, 4li. 5s.; cow cald brown, 4li. 5s.; a heiffer at Kimbals, 4li.; a brown heiffer, 3li. 10s.; a ffinch steere, 3li. 10s.; 2 yearling steers, 4li. 10s.; 8 Ewes & 4 lambs, 5li. 10s.; 2 Swine & 4 piggs, 5li.; 70 acres att ye Newtown weh was Mr Biles, 20li.; in goods, 5li. 9s.; a bill of fifty pound due from Mr. Clarke of Boston Iron munger, 50li.; a bill from Ben Kimball, 1li. 10s.; in bookes, 30li.

Court 14:2:1663 ordered that the Worshipfull Major Eliazar Lusher take Mrs. Worcester's oath to the inventory of Mr. Worcester's estate presented by her executrix. Salisbury Quarterly Court Records, vol. 1, leaf 11.

Source: The will of Rev. William Worcester of Salisbury was proved before Samuel Symonds and Daniel Denison Dec.
2, 1662 in the Norfolk county court. Essex Probate Docket # 30679

The following are wills for which a connection to the family has not been found, but which could be important in developing further familial connections.

The Family Tree for William of Cheddington

Will of William Woster of Cheddington - 1623

            In the Name of God Amen.
            Dated 30th Octr. 1623

Willyam Woster of Chedington, co Bucks.
I bequeath my Soule to Almightie God, my maker & redeemer, & my bodie to be buried in the churchyarde or church of the parishe of Chedington aforesaid att myne execs. Appointement. Item. I give & bequeth unto Willyam Woster, myne eldest Sonne tenn poundes. To my sonne Thomas �10. To Edward my sonne �10. To George my Sonne, & his heires forever, one messuage lately purchased of Robert Steevens, & all my free growndes, & a yarde lande of copie holde in the feildes of Chedington within the parishe of Ivinghoe, after my wife’s decease. Unto ffrancis, my Sonne, all the rest of my copie holde lands, being by estimation one yarde be it more or lesse, after my wife’s decease. To Mary, my eldest daughter �100, & to Rebecca my younger daughter �100, to be paid when they shall come to the age of twentie yeares, or at their dte of marriage; looke wch. shall happen firste. Item. My Will is that my three Sonnes, William, Thomas, & Edward, shall have their legacies bequeathed as they shall come to the age of one & twentie yeares. To the poore of Chedington 10 s.   The rest of my goodes & chattels,         , my debtstes paide, my funeral discharged, I bequeath to Rebecca, my loving wife, whom I make my full & lawfull executrix. I desire my lovinge ffreindes George king, my ffather-inlawe, & Thomas Wigge of the Rectory of Mentmore to be Overseers.

Witnesses: Richard Reynolds
                 Thomas Wigg
                 John Houghton
                 George Kinge

Probate granted 20th Novr. 1623 to the executrix

Will of Thomas Worceter of London - 1629 - See his will as recorded in the Probate Records of Commissary Court of London.

Will of Thomas Worceter, Citizen and Ironmonger of London. 23 April 1629.
In the name of God Amen. the three and twentieth day of Aprill 1629 And in the fifth year of the reigne of our sovereigne lord Charles by the grace of god of England Scotland Fraun(ce) and Ireland being defender of the faith __? I Thomas Worcester Citizen and Ironmonger of London being sick and weak in body but of pfect mind and memory praise be to god doe make and decler this my last will and Testament in manner and form following That is to saye First and principly I commend and comitt my soule into the hands of Almighty god my maker and Creator and of Jesus Christ my only Saviour and Redeemer by whose death and all sufficient meritts I hope and constantly beleeve to be saved and to inheritt eternall life with other(?) the Best(?) children of god and my body I comitt to the earth to (be) buryed at the __? of my Executors hereunder named And as to ___? my worldly substance I dispose of the same as followeth Item I give and bequeth to Edward Thomas and William Worceter Sonnes of my brother William Worceter deceased to each of them the sume of twelve pounds a peece Item I doo give and bequeth to everie of the Children of John Gregory of Wilstone in the parishe of Tring in the County of Hertford the sume of twelve shillings a peese Item I give and be queath to the poore people of the parishe of Ashton Clinton in the County of Bucks where I was born the sume of Eight pounds of lawfull money of England to this intent and purpose that the parson and Churchwardens of the said parish of Aston Cllinton for the tyme being shall lett and dispose of the said summe of eight pounds after the usuall Rate that monye shall be lette and with the benefitt and interest thereof shall everie fourteene dayes for ever to and amongst the poor people of the said parish of Aston Clinton who shall have most need thereof the sume of sixe pence in bread. And my will and meaning is that if the said pson and Churchwardens for the tyme being shall not performe this my bequest according as I have decreed the same, then I doo give and bequeth the said summe of eight pounds to the Company of Ironmongers in London Item I give and bequeth to such of the Company of Iromongers as shall accompany my body to be buryed the sume of forty shillings in monye. Item I give and bequeth to the poore of the parishe of Christchurch in London the sume of twenty shillings in monye. The residue of all and singular my goods and Chattells whatsoever my debts being payd and funerall expenses discharged I doe give and bequeath to my loving Frends William Feild Citizen and Vintner of London and Richard Briggenshawe Citizen and Cutler of London whome I make full and sole Executors of this my last will and Testament In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the day and yeare abovewritten Item I give to William Hollyman Servant to William Feild my Bible By me Thomas Woseter Sealed dyelevered and published by the above named Thomas Worceter and for his last will and Testament in the presence of William Hollyman William Keene and Arthur Dithersor(?)

Probatum fuit humis(?) testame... 16 die mensis April AnnoDom 1630........Willim Foster et Rich Braggenshawe .....2 more lines in Latin...

Probate Records of Commissary Court of London, LDS film #0094108.

Will of Richard Wyssheter of East Haddon – 1544

In the name of God amen the yere of our Lorde god Mo CCCCCXLiiijto and of the raigne of Our most dreade soff. aygne lord Henry the eyght by the grace of god kynge of englonde ffraunce and Ireland defender of the fayth and in earthe supreme hed of the Church of englonde and also of Irelond the xxxvjth the xxiij day of May  I Rycharde Wysshet of Esthadden hole of mynde and seke in body make my testament and last wyll in this manner and forme fooling first I bequeth my soule to almightie god to his blessed mother sancte Marie and to all the holy company of heven my body to be buried in the churche yarde aforsayd allso I bequeth to the hieghe allter vjd     Item to petribrough churche ijd  Item to the sepulture lyght iiijd       Item to the rode lyght iiijd   Item to the torche lyght iiijd to the bells iiijd           Item I bequeth xs for a trentall and yff his please god to take me at this tieme I will they that he whom I make my executor shall have respet & tieme a yere after allso I bequeth to Lambert Wyshet all the jren that belongythe to a cart that is lefte behynde a rye londe a barley londe and a pease londe and astonne of hempe allso I bequeth to Thoms Whyshet a lambe allso I bequeth to Alice Wyshet a cowe callfe that is wenyd this yere allso I bequeathe to Alyce Wyshetr Willm Wyshetrs daughter a yonge cowe    Item to Margerye Walker Gregory Walters daughter a lambe           Item to Agnes James a lambe and hit to be delyvered the next yere          Allso I bequeth to Wyllyam Humfre all the detts that he oweth me and halfe a quarter of myll corn the resydew of my goodes not bequethed I geve them to John Wyshet my sone whom I make my executor of this my will to dyspose them for the helth of my soule and all christes soules supervisor to se this my last will be performyd I make gregorie Wallker and he to have for his labor xijd theis baring wytness John Fox vycar John Gemes as other that theis be the dettes that I Rycharde Wyshet do owe  In primes to Agnes James iijs viijd allso to Robert James iiijs    Item to Gregory Walker John Mott Wyllyam Rose xxs and hit to be dysposyd at there discretion allso to gregorie Walker xiijs iiijd allso to John James vijs vjd

Probatum fuit pub' test-' superscript’ in ecalesia parochiali Sanctorum ville Northapt ij die mensis  augustij Anno domini Mo CCCCC XLiiij coram Magistro Thoma Monforthe in iure bach officiali de arch’ini petriburgen rite et legitime deputato ac per eiusdem approbat' et infirmat' ae pro viribus et valore einsdem pro legitime pertinent’et declarat' commissorum fuit et est administratio omnia et singulorum bonorum iurium et creditorum dicit' defunct' executori infra nominato in forma iuris iurato ac per eiusdem admissi et accepta Saluo iure cumist’ per pn’tes dat' die loco mense et anno de superscript.

Will of Katherine Watson of Crick - 1638 (Timothy's Sister ?)

Katherine Watson is a name given in Timothy's will as one of his sisters, also listed in Watford register. This might be her will, although 'brother Cowlie' and 'Elizabeth Cowlie' mentioned in the will possibly suggests that this may be a different Katherine Watson. Timothy mentioned a 'sister' Elizabeth in his will, but no Elizabeth was christened at Watford.

Memoranda that Katheren Watson of Crick in the countie of Northton widowe, did the Eleventh daie of June, Anno dom; 1638 in the prsence of us whose names are hearunder subscribed as witnesses speake these words followinge Brother Cowlie I praie you Let my daughter Alice have my old featherbed and two paire hives of bees. Let my daughter Elmar have my truncke and three paire of sheete; give Thomas xiid And al the residue of my goodes I give my daughter Anne, for shee shal be my Executrix. witnesses
Edmunde Cowlie
Elizabeth Cowlie
E her marke
Marie Loies O her marke

Northamptonshire Record Office - 2nd Series A 32.



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   Last modified: December 10, 2012